So what do coffee guys do on vacation? If you have been traveling a lot, you lock yourself in your house for a week and chill out and eat home cooked meals. Otherwise you usually spend it somewhere in the coffee world on somewhat of a working vacation.. This year during my vacation, I was invited to run an inter-island cupping for the Hawaiian Coffee Association.
This will be the first time
All of the samples were coded with a two digit number and then mailed to me. Nobody on the judging panel knows which farm, island or district the coffees are from- it’s truly blind. We started it off by roasting all of the samples, cupping them and scoring them on the mainland. This was done to get a first look at the coffees, weed out some, and get an initial ranking of the group.
The cupping of the first group of samples went really well. We got through all 69 coffees in two days- no easy feat! There were a couple of … ummmm… no so good coffees, a big group of nice ones and a handful of some really exceptional ones. Now that they have all been ranked, I sent the samples back to the Hawaiian Coffee Association for delivery to a cupping lab on
Once the process is done the
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